News & Blog

Career Fair 2023

AUAF Hosts Career Fair at Qatar National Library

December 10, 2023
The American University of Afghanistan (AUAF) hosted a highly anticipated Career Fair on December 6th, 2023, providing a pivotal platform for students to connect with prospective employers. The event was marked by a strong turnout of students equipped with their CVs, eager to explore job opportunities and engage with industry leaders. The Career Fair embraced a hybrid model, with both in-person and online participation options for companies, reflecting AUAF’s commitment to adaptability in the ever-evolving landscape. Overall 22 companies from various sectors participated in the event, both virtually and in-person, showcasing a wide array of career opportunities for AUAF students. The diverse representation provided students with exposure to a broad spectrum of industries. 

Lecture on Public Diplomacy by Vivian Walker

December 3, 2023

AUAF had the distinct honor of hosting an enlightening lecture on Public Diplomacy by esteemed guest speaker Dr. Vivian Walker Executive Director of the United States Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy at the Department of State.
The event brought the community together to delve into the intricacies of diplomatic communication. Dr. Walker, a scholar in the field, captivated the audience with her insights and experiences, shedding light on the role of public diplomacy in fostering international understanding and cooperation. Her engaging discourse not only enriched the academic community, but also provided valuable perspectives on the evolving landscape of global communication. The event served as a testament to the university’s commitment to offering enriching experiences that broaden the horizons of its diverse student body.

AUAF Football Team

AUAF Football Team

November 20, 2023

The Qatar Foundation held a football tournament under the name of “Tahadi”. Students from the Qatar Foundation community participated in different teams, and a shared team of AUAF and HBKU students owned the championship.
AUAF players played in different groups and among those players, one student was part of the winners team.

AUAF Poetry Night

October 2, 2023

AUAF’s SGA team organized The Poetry Night , where AUAF students across the globe joined virtually and in person at the Doha campus. The purpose of the event was to bring the community closer, explore talents and interests, explore the value of literature, and increase knowledge about the world of literature.

Student Spotlight: Murtaza

September 11, 2023

Leading students’ life through his leadership-how Murtaza assisted students to settle at the Doha campus. The journey is for your read below.


AUAF Graduates Class of 2023

August 31, 2023

On June 11th, the AUAF community based in Doha, Qatar, gathered at the Qatar National Library for the Class of 2023 graduation ceremony. The commencement celebration was packed with keynote speakers and peers cheering for the newly graduates.

The keynote speakers expressed their message in a collective voice to the AUAF community, especially the newly graduates, for the inspiration of enduring challenges and overcoming confrontations during the unprecedented events in Afghanistan.

On June 3rd, 19 AUAF transferred students at the American University of Central Asia, took part in AUCA’s commencement ceremony for Class of 2023. Dr. Fontan, AUAF’s Provost and VP of Academic Affairs, represented AUAF and extended her speech by embracing the newly graduates.

AUAF welcomes 100 new students to hub in Doha, Qatar

August 20, 2023

100 students arrived at AUAF’s Education City campus in Doha, Qatar to start the new academic year! They join another 100 AUAF students who have been at the Doha campus since fall of 2022.



STEM Bootcamp Summer 2023

August 12, 2023

The AUAF-STEM Summer Online Bootcamp for high school Afghan female students commenced on July 2 and concluded on July 27, 2023, running from Sunday to Thursday with four hours of daily sessions. Here are some feedback from the students who concluded the STEM Summer Bootcamp.
In the first two week sessions, the participants kicked off their classes from English and MS Office suite, in which they learned essential skills in both themes. In the following sessions, the students learned basic math, web, and graphic design.
Deleted: Nearly around 80-90 students had wide participation in their classes. All of the students (99%) were residing in Afghanistan, with a majority from Kabul and other Afghan provinces.

USAID representatives visit Doha

July 13, 2023

AUAF hosted USAID representatives at its Doha campus to meet students and discuss academic and operational plans with University leaders. The visit allowed one of AUAF’s most engaged and long-time funding partners to understand student needs and future program opportunities.

A mental health crisis builds in Afghanistan

July 8, 2023

KABUL — Psychiatrist Shafi Azim spent much of his career attending to the trauma caused by two decades of fighting, which ripped apart buildings and families.


But over the past months, his hospital — Afghanistan’s primary mental health facility in Kabul — has filled with patients who say they are experiencing a different kind of suffering, he said. With the Taliban leadership severely restricting female education and work, there are mounting concerns about the mental health of girls and women. The restrictions and “sudden changes,” said Azim, appear to be at the root of the trauma suffered by most women and girls now seeking help at this hospital.


“They fear they will never be able to go back to work or school,” said Azim, 60. “They are isolated and become depressed.”


Mental health professionals at five Afghan hospitals and health centers shared similar accounts of a rising challenge. They said many women are receiving outpatient therapy and medication. Some have been encouraged by doctors to seek an escape in the shrinking number of activities that are still tolerated.

AUAF President Dr. Ian Bickford meets with Student Government Association

April 20, 2023

On April 19, 2023 AUAF’s Student Government Association spoke with AUAF President Dr. Ian Bickford last week in Education City, Doha. The meeting focused on academics, student life, and student engagement.

AUAF Female Students Celebrate Intl. Women’s Day

March 8, 2023

AUAF students in Qatar celebrated International Women’s Day by hosting a panel discussion with guests from the U.S. Embassy in Kabul. The panel focused on leadership and the essential importance of women’s voices in education and wider society.