Three Tiers to Success

AUAF’s adaptive and innovative online education prepares, fosters, and advances thousands of Afghan students; a generation of young Afghan leaders determined to lead change within their country.

Tier 1


Afghanistan is the only country in the world today that officially restricts access to education for women above the 6th grade. AUAF expanded its preparatory programs to bridge the growing divide between secondary and higher education, and reposition young Afghans back on their educational journey.

Transition to Success Program

In Afghanistan, two lost years of secondary education have led to significant attrition among female students prepared for university.

Transition to Success (TTS) program provides high-quality education to high school-aged Afghan girls. Through modular accelerator courses, students gain the skills and qualifications necessary for university admissions and professional success.

While not a replacement for high-school, TTS offers a pathway young Afghans to attain high school equivalency certification and prepares them for the demands of higher-education and the workforce.

Modular courses include: English & STEM, Digital Literacy, and Leadership & Civic Engagement.

What students are saying…

“AUAF’s TTS program has been a beam of light in the darkest days of my life. Before getting into this program, I thought there was no way I could pursue my education, but this program has provided me with much more than I would learn in high school. I thank AUAF for providing me and my classmates with such an enlightening program. I hope to enter the institution one day fully prepared, with the help of the TTS program. 

I always have faith in believing that having determination and hope in life means that no one and nothing can stop you from learning, and there are always people who truly want to give you a hand to reach your goals—for me, it was AUAF.” 

STEM & IT Bootcamp

The AUAF STEM & IT Bootcamp program provides high-touch online training that repositions disenfranchised Afghan high school girls for a future in the IT field. 

Accelerator Program: that restores disrupted secondary-to-tertiary education pipelines for Afghan girls interested in IT careers.

4-week Bootcamp: Tailored for 100 students and taught by world-class AUAF faculty with PhDs.

Rigorous training: Covers STEM and IT fundamentals, including English, science, math, web development, and coding.

Remote learning: Empowers Afghan girls to learn and work safely from home.

Student Enrollment

Since the program began in 2022, there have been four cohorts, each with more students than the cohort before. Additionally, the demand for this kind of education in-country has skyrocketed, with over 11,000 female students applying for the most recent bootcamp cohort.

What students are saying…

“Thanks for sharing your education with us girls and helping us to learn something new. Learning STEM and IT is a little hard but you make it possible.”

“The Bootcamp was really beneficial for me because I was able to enhance my STEM skills which has been a dream of mine. Additionally, the data packages that the AUAF provided allowed us to join the classes from Afghanistan.”

“Thanks for providing such helpful and excellent programs for girls in Afghanistan as girls can’t go to school or work, it is a really encouraging program.”

Tier 2


AUAF’s high-touch, high-quality American-style education fosters an environment conducive to leadership, agency, civic ideals, and economic advancement. Students are equipped with knowledge, skills, and agency to define their individual and collective futures through a holistic education, including wrap-around services, such as wellness programs and extracurricular activities.

Mental Wellness

Mental Wellness Support

Counseling: one-on-one counseling remotely or in-person for students in Doha, Qatar

Resources: students receive weekly emails with wellbeing tips and resources

Programs: AUAF offers programs on emotional wellbeing, focusing on stress management, meditation, and life skills

Connection: AUAF hosts monthly “Let’s Connect,” a virtual safe space for students to learn, share, and connect outside the classroom

Let's Connect

As students join classes from homes across Afghanistan and beyond, it’s crucial for them to feel connected. AUAF fosters a rich and unique university culture through online and hybrid community spaces. In challenging times, “Let’s Connect” helps students support each other and strengthen their sense of community.

Monthly, AUAF hosts “Let’s Connect,” a virtual safe space for students to learn, share, and connect outside the classroom. These sessions feature special guests like journalists, counselors, and meditation experts, with lessons, Q&A, and time for peer discussion.

What students are saying…

“AUAF has brought us back to where we belong, and that is the educational environment. In the current situation, where we are all surrounded with the darkness of ignorance, AUAF is the only light saving us from getting lost. AUAF gives us what our souls need: education. It reminds us of our goals and priorities. It encourages us to learn. AUAF is our motivation to try harder, not give up, and be determined about our goals. AUAF has taught us that in the journey of success, no matter what obstacles await us, stepping back is never a choice! We dare to learn, and we dare to change!”


Clubs & Activities


Student Athletics are deeply entrenched in the AUAF community. Today, AUAF students at the AUAF hub in Doha have created AUAF basketball, tennis, football (soccer), volleyball, and cricket athletic teams. Students represent AUAF with enthusiasm as they compete against other university teams at Education City.  

Core Curriculum

The first two years of study at AUAF combine the highest standards for an international curriculum with specific, gold-standard courses in Afghanistan Studies, teaching critical thinking in relation to our student’s own history, literature, art, and culture.




Tier 3


AUAF supports its graduates in excelling across academic, private, and public sectors, providing guidance and resources as they advance in their careers and contribute to their fields.

Career Advancement

What students are saying…

“The Professional Planning for Career Workshop series was incredibly helpful. I learned valuable strategies for job searching, including resume writing, elevator pitches, and negotiation skills. Thank you!”

“The Career Planning Workshop provided invaluable knowledge that I did not realize I needed until starting my very first job. The insights I gained on the job market and integrating its fundamentals into my career plans will give me a strong kick off on my professional endeavors.”

Alumni Network

An AUAF degree goes beyond its recipient

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